Young graphic designer helps with the design of the dieci branches


Even more Italian flair: specially designed posters have recently been decorating the walls of the dieci branches. Who and what is behind them?

With the opening of the larger branches in Lucerne, Oerlikon and Olten, dieci not only faced new space conditions, but also empty walls. dieci saw this as an opportunity to give the interior design an additional sophistication with illustrative posters.


Established role models


dieci had a clear vision for the branches: reduced eye-catchers. During the search for inspiration, the choice fell on established classics by Häberli, Herbert Leupin or Lora Lamm. This picture style harmonizes perfectly with the modern, wood-dominated interior design of the new dieci stores.

Italianità, the love for the ingredients, the delivery method (with dieci car and scooter) and the quality of service were the main pillars for the creation of the subjects. With these details dieci contacted the young graphic designer Nikolaj Jaberg. He is currently attending the specialist class for graphics at the SfG Basel. He is therefore a perfect candidate for dieci, as the company wanted to give a young artist this chance.


The first line


So Nikolaj started with first hand sketches of his ideas:

After an initial consultation with dieci, he added colour to the selected directions: step by step, the direction of the illustrations became more concrete. In the end, three favourites crystallized, which, depending on the dieci branch, decorate the branches in different combinations or colours.


Lots of freedom for pure Italianità


"Within the defined briefing I had a lot of freedom in the design. The specifications for the posters were manageable and the clear ideas of dieci helped me to find the right genre", said Nikolaj about his creative work process.


Nikolaj found what he was looking for in the 60s in Swiss graphic design: He oriented himself on the poster art of Herbert Leupin and tried to interpret this approach in a modern way. Nikolaj: "I wanted the dieci visitors to be able to lose themselves in the posters - to evoke a sensual side. Depending on the distance to the poster, one sees only colored areas or the entire subject."